06 65 75 81 60

Double Ration

This is probably the most intense and singletrack-rich tour in our range, a must!

Double Ration

This is probably the most intense and singletrack-rich tour in our range, a must!
Finely crafted tours by
and for practitioners
Coup de ♥

Just like a tasting menu in a chic restaurant, signing up for this trip means indulging yourself right to the end, tasting all the variety of the Queyras ATV trails by following the guide with your eyes closed...

By popular demand, here is our reference VTTAE trip for those who now have more than just a 625 Wh battery and who love to climb single tracks!

Wild sectors, authentic villages, 3000+ summits, breathtaking panoramas, technical and rocky trails on one side, velvet trails under the larches on the other... The sequences have been carefully thought out for the last ten years. Flow for those who know it well, drift if you like, expect a variety of itineraries and subtle combinations that will make you lose your sense of direction... Only one thing is important from now on, keep up the pace, manage your assistance, trust the guidoss and let the adrenalin rise as the day goes on...

3 days
In a star shape
All Mountain

560 €

3 days
In a star shape
All Mountain

560 €

your tailor-made trip

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  • A series of "5*" trails for intensive use of the VTTAE
  • Shuttles by minibus to allow for some facetiousness and crossings!
  • Repair and cleaning station for your mountain bike available
  • Supervision by a VTTAE guide from Queyras who knows the spot BY HEART!
How to join us for this trip

Details of this service

"Le grand 8 de Molines - St Véran

As we have some room for manoeuvre in the battery and you are not here to to buy land (well, not yet...), we don't even try to understand. single climb to the heights of Saint Véran, crossing a first high pass not to be sniffed at. Saint Véran, crossing a first high altitude pass not to be sneezed at for a first descent in the mountains, a great classic of the classic of the Vallée des Aigues. Once at the bottom, we find a new path a new path of ascent which allows us to take of and reach the schists of the Haut Queyras. A well-deserved break. break, then we tackle a more technical path in the mineral where we have to be where we have to be careful not to overdo the cardio u=Once at the top, here is the grail... the access to a the access to a real tumble which will lead us straight to the gîte... Night in a comfortable gîte

Escapade to Ceillac via the crests

Double battery today as usual (or take your charger!) to set off on one of our favourite routes towards towards Ceillac. High mountain atmosphere, wild paths in fast descents and natural curves, ... Meals in the restaurant at lunchtime to enjoy life and recharge your batteries and then climb back up to the pass of our choice, depending on our our form and the impact of the digestion on our organism our athletic bodies... Another day that will leave its mark, I guarantee you! guaranteed! Lunch in a restaurant Night in a comfortable gîte

The enchanted carousel

To round off these 3 days in style, we're taking you on a ride in the Arvieux and Furfande sector, not to be missed... acclaimed as the most beautiful mountain pastures in the Queyras, where everything is as good like a pig, on the way up and on the way down! So as not to not start straight away on a steep slope, we'll start at the Izoard for a souvenir photo before skirting a memorable ridge and heading head back towards the Furfande valley ... 1000 m of ascent single ascent which, depending on the level of the group The trails are so much fun on the way up. Cross the mountain pastures and return to the Arvieux valley, using so that you leave satiated, the batteries empty on the bike but empty on the bike but fully recharged with dopamine... dopamine...  

Take advantage of a sliding scale of charges
on bike rental

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3 days / 2 nights
4 days / 3 nights
Further training
Coup de ♥
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