>> Looking for a last minute gift?

>> Looking for a last minute gift?

Looking for a last minute gift?

Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthday, special occasion...

We are all looking for a gift at one time of year or another, and we go for it at the last minute...

We have THE ultimate all-purpose gift that will delight adults, children and even kids: Offer the GUIL E BIKE T shirt in organic cotton, in the colours of the Queyras.

We have created a T shirt that looks like us: natural, classy and with that mountain and adventure spirit, all made with the Gueule de Nouille workshop.

Visit us at the shop to discover the different colours and sizes, choose the one you like, and the deal is in the bag!

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Because they are so cool!


Kortal Race Helmet Why this brand in the shop? Founded in Sweden in 2005, POC is the leading manufacturer of helmets,...


Our After-Sales Service A defective part, a manufacturing defect, a bad adjustment? It happens... But in this case,...

Looking for a last minute gift?

Looking for a last minute gift? Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthday, special occasion... We are here to help.

KONA Bicycles

A new brand has arrived at the shop this year, Kona, "the smallest of the big brands"! You will find the whole range of...